Setting Up for Computer Science Success

Staff Development Guide

Training Situation: Meeting (small group)

Length: 40 minutes

Objective: Participants will discuss ways to set up a space to be more effective for computer science activities.


  • Introduction and welcome – 2 minutes
  • See the skill in action – 10 minutes
  • Hands-on learning – 15 minutes
  • Discussion – 10 minutes
  • Conclusion – 3 minutes



Video-Based Learning Module

As you watch the skill video below, think about these questions:

  • How does the facilitator set up his space for computer science learning?
  • How does Pete arrange his space so that he can listen to what the youth have to say?
  • Why does Pete think it is important to approach the classroom as a flexible space?

Now that you’ve watched the video, reflect on what you saw.

  • How can you arrange your space to enhance learning?
  • Can you use different parts of your space for different parts of the activity?

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