Brainstorm science practices in order to add more opportunities for youth to connect the work of scientists to their everyday activities.
Learn how to help youth reflect and process experiences with patterns and trends in data to assist them in computational thinking.
Frontline staff and volunteers will seek out community partners and utilize their strengths in STEM to enhance programs. Connect youth to the community through service learning projects of local interest that promote STEM inquiry.
Frontline staff and volunteers will seek out community partners and utilize their strengths in STEM to enhance programs. They will identify shared goals and develop partnerships with STEM-rich local business/industry.
The facilitator works to enable active learning as youth work in small groups and use the strategies of computational thinking to design and describe their own unique monsters.
Explore what computer science is, why it is important for youth in your program, and how you can successfully teach computer science.
Learning happens when we reflect. Take time to reflect on your strategies for reflection.
Engage youth in a real engineering activity around circuit design and learn how to discuss what problem solving skills students are modeling.
Discuss the challenges you face and develop strategies for organizing materials and managing computer science activities.