Afterschool Math Plus

Afterschool Math Plus (ASM+) is designed to help students find math in everyday experiences and create awareness about how math skills can increase the future educational and career options.  You will find fun activities that are perfect for afterschool programs and resources for developing math skills with an emphasis on making career connections through fun hands-on activities.  See all four units.

  • In “Jump Rope Math,” students learn how to gather and represent data through bar graphs, line graphs, scatter graphs and Venn diagrams while jumping rope.
  • “The Built Environment” provides an opportunity for students to learn about scale, measurement and their immediate environment to create a blueprint and a 3D model of an “ideal community.”
  • In “ArtMath,” students experience the elegance of math, explore the connections between art and math, and use mathematical concepts (for example, tessellations, patterns and symmetry) to create their own art.
  • “MusicMath” helps students learn about fractions as they use whole, half, quarter and eighth notes to create musical compositions.

Afterschool Math Plus

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