Role Playing Conversations About Computer Science Careers

Staff Development Guide

Training Situation: Meeting (small group)

Length: 20 minutes

Objective: Participants will practice using conversation prompts in order to talk to youth about careers in computer science.


  • Introduction – 1 minute
  • See the skill in action – 4 minutes
  • Hands-on learning: role playing – 8-13 minutes
  • Conclusion – 2 minutes



Video-Based Learning Module

Watch the activity overview video. This video shows staff facilitating the activity featured in the sill video.

As you watch the skill video below, think about these questions:

  • How does Dagen recommend preparing yourself for career conversations during STEM activities?
  • How does he use questioning to encourage youth to think about careers that connect to the different parts of this challenge?

Now that you’ve watched the video, reflect on what you saw.

  • What are other ways to connect this activity to STEM careers?
  • How could you add activities specifically focused on careers to this challenge?

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