What About Challenges?

Staff Development Guide

Training Situation: Meeting (small group)

Length: 35 minutes

Objectives: Participants will reflect on programmatic challenges in order to add more active learning opportunities to their program.


  • Introduction – 5 minutes
  • See the Skill in Action – 10 minutes
  • Active Engagement by Youth Video-Based Learning Module
  • Improving Our Program – 20 minutes
  • Active STEM Learning: Improving Our Program

Download Activity


Video-Based Learning Modules

As you watch the skill video below, think about these questions:

  • How does the facilitator encourage youth to explore the textures and properties of Glurch and Oobleck?
  • How does the facilitator help youth describe their observations?

Now that you’ve watched the video, reflect on what you saw and post your responses.

  • What did you see Diane do that encouraged curiosity and imagination throughtout the activity?
  • How would you facilitate this activity differently?
  • Every once and awhile, we may have youth that are not getting involved with the activity.  What would you do to encourage engagement?

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