You’re a Computational Thinker

You’re a Computational Thinker

Staff Development Guide

Training Situation: Training (large group)

Length: 120 minutes

Objective: Participants will learn how they are computational thinkers, how these practices fit into other activities, and how to develop computational thinking practice with youth.


  • Welcome and introduction – 5 minutes
  • Introduce the skill – 20 minutes
  • Hands-on learning – 30 minutes
  • See the skill in action – 20 minutes
  • Exploring computational thinking – 30 minutes
  • Personal reflection – 10 minutes
  • Conclusion – 5 minutes

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Download Staff Development Guide - Virtual Version


Video-Based Learning Module

Wat the activity overview video. This video shows staff facilitating the activity featured in the skill video.

As you watch the skill video below, think about these questions:

  • When preparing computer science learning opportunities what does Dagen think about or plan ahead of time?
  • How does Dagen adapt the activity to support youth in seeing themselves as computational thinkers?
  • What positive and negative emotions do you see in the video? Are they learning to manage emotions in this activity?

Now that you’ve watched the video, reflect on what you saw.

  • How would you help the youth develop a STEM identity?
  • What are three ideas you have for ensuring that a computer science activity runs smoothly?
  • Do you think Dagen was successful in having the youth see themselves as computational thinkers? Why or why not?

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