Resource Center

4-H STEM Challenge

The 4-H STEM Challenge is an annual initiative to inspire kids everywhere to take an interest in STEM through hands-on learning.

You’re a Computational Thinker

Help youth start developing their STEM identities and use computational thinking to solve a problem.

Computation Thinking with Monsters

With nothing but paper and markers, students will learn the four practices of computational thinking.

A Game Without Instructions

This lesson gives students the opportunity to practice the four computational thinking practices (decomposition, pattern matching, abstraction, and algorithms) in one cohesive activity.

Animate A Name

This is an opportunity for kids to build a customized animation and develop coding skills with CS First and Scratch.

Seeing Patterns

Learn how to help youth reflect and process experiences with patterns and trends in data to assist them in computational thinking.

Any Student can be Inspired by the Possibilities of Computer Science

Watch a video to learn how youth can be inspired by the possibilities of computer science.

What are Service Learning Projects?

Frontline staff and volunteers will seek out community partners and utilize their strengths in STEM to enhance programs. Connect youth to the community through service learning projects of local interest that promote STEM inquiry.

Building Relationships with STEM-Rich Partners

Frontline staff and volunteers will seek out community partners and utilize their strengths in STEM to enhance programs. They will identify shared goals and develop partnerships with STEM-rich local business/industry.