Resource Center

Learning Together

Strategies to help you prepare to teach in out-of-school-time programs.

Afterschool Math Plus

Help students find math in everyday experiences and build their skills in math.

Clover by 4-H

CLOVER by 4-H offers over 190 engaging, hands-on activities for learning.

Data Clubs

Youth learn how to use simple tools for visualizing and analyzing data on topics they care about.

Data to the Rescue: Penguins Need Our Help!

Youth will figure out what is happening to penguin species on the Western Antarctic Peninsula.

Building Insights Through Observations

Youth learn to use NOAA’s Science On a Sphere to create visualizations using geospatial data.

Hacker Training

Learn about cryptography and how to use a replacement cipher. Then create messages to encode and decode with others in your group.


Youth are introduced to the concept of using algorithms through fun, hands-on activities using LEGOs and in Minecraft Education Edition

Game Changers

Game Changers is a collection of 3 activities that teaches kids computer science (CS) skills through game play and puzzles centered around topics they care passionately about.