Resource Center

Getting Youth Ready to do STEM

Learn how experienced youth educators prepare for STEM learning.

Explaining a Variety of STEM Careers

Discover new strategies for connecting any activity to CS careers and helping youth see potential careers.

Emerging STEM Identities

See how real-world experiences help young people see themselves as someone who can be a contributor to STEM.


Make the engineering design process less intimidating with DIVEE, an acronym, and chant that is modeled by an out-of-school learning professional.

Creating Opportunities for Youth to Reflect

See how this experienced facilitator guides the activity to encourage learners to understand science and engineering skills by reflecting on what is happening and processing the outcome.

Assessing Youth Using Graphic Organizers

This simple assessment tactic will help you determine if learners are understanding concepts. Grab some stick notes and get started!

Break It Down

The facilitator works to enable active learning as youth work in small groups and use the strategies of computational thinking to design and describe their own unique monsters.

Computer Science: It’s Easier Than You Think

Explore what computer science is, why it is important for youth in your program, and how you can successfully teach computer science.

Developing Strategies for Reflection

Learning happens when we reflect. Take time to reflect on your strategies for reflection.