
Learning Activity

All Education

Afterschool Math Plus

Help students find math in everyday experiences and build their skills in math.

Clover by 4-H

CLOVER by 4-H offers over 190 engaging, hands-on activities for learning.

Data to the Rescue: Penguins Need Our Help!

Youth will figure out what is happening to penguin species on the Western Antarctic Peninsula.

Building Insights Through Observations

Youth learn to use NOAA’s Science On a Sphere to create visualizations using geospatial data.

Hacker Training

Learn about cryptography and how to use a replacement cipher. Then create messages to encode and decode with others in your group.

Get Active

Compare active and passive learning and convert passive learning activities to more active ones in order to engage youth in active learning.

Effective Strategies for Giving Youth Control

Giving Youth Control with Group Projects

Develop a list of strategies they would like to implement in order to give youth control of their learning.


Learn how tinkering is important to learning in computer science and prepare to engage youth in directing their learning.