
Learning Activity

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Building Insights Through Observations

Youth learn to use NOAA’s Science On a Sphere to create visualizations using geospatial data.

Get Active

Compare active and passive learning and convert passive learning activities to more active ones in order to engage youth in active learning.

Effective Strategies for Giving Youth Control

Giving Youth Control with Group Projects

Develop a list of strategies they would like to implement in order to give youth control of their learning.


Learn how tinkering is important to learning in computer science and prepare to engage youth in directing their learning.

Make It Relevant

Brainstorm science practices in order to add more opportunities for youth to connect the work of scientists to their everyday activities.

Seeing Patterns

Learn how to help youth reflect and process experiences with patterns and trends in data to assist them in computational thinking.

What are Service Learning Projects?

Frontline staff and volunteers will seek out community partners and utilize their strengths in STEM to enhance programs. Connect youth to the community through service learning projects of local interest that promote STEM inquiry.

Building Relationships with STEM-Rich Partners

Frontline staff and volunteers will seek out community partners and utilize their strengths in STEM to enhance programs. They will identify shared goals and develop partnerships with STEM-rich local business/industry.